Dr CL Steyn Orthopaedic Surgeon Cape Town

What is a knee replacement surgery?

What is a knee replacement surgery?

A knee replacement (also known as knee arthroplasty, total knee replacement) is a procedure that resurfaces a damaged knee. The kneecap and ends of the bones that make up the knee joint are covered with metal or plastic. For those with severe arthritis or severe knee injuries, this surgery might be an option.

The knee joint can be affected by a variety of types of arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint condition that mostly affects middle-aged and elderly people. It can cause joint cartilage to break down and bone loss in the knees. Rheumatoid, or inflammation of the synovial membrane, can cause stiffness and pain. Traumatic arthritis, or arthritis caused by injury, can cause damage to the knee cartilage.

Knee replacement surgery’s goal is to repair or replace damaged parts of the knee joint and relieve any pain in the knee that cannot be controlled with other methods.

Anatomy of a knee

The joint is the area where two or more bones meet. The majority of joints can move, so they allow bones to move. The knee is basically 2 long legs bones that are held together by muscles and ligaments. A layer of cartilage covers each bone to absorb shock and protect the knee.

Two groups of muscles are involved in the knee: the quadriceps muscles, located on the front of your thighs, which straighten your legs; and the hamstring muscle, which bends the leg at the knee.

Tendons connect bones and muscles by connecting them with tough connective tissue cords. Ligaments are elastic tissue bands that connect bone and bone. While some ligaments in the knee offer stability and protection to the joints, others limit forward and backward movement for the tibia (shinbone).

The reasons for the procedure

Knee replacement surgery can be used to treat pain or disability in the knee. Osteoarthritis is the most common reason for knee replacement surgery.

Osteoarthritis can be described as the destruction of joint cartilage. The cartilage and bones can be damaged and cause pain. Because of severe degenerative joint disease, people may have difficulty performing normal activities such as climbing stairs or walking that require bending at their knees. Because the joint isn’t stable, it may cause swelling or “give-way” in the knee.

How to care for your new knee joint

After a knee replacement, you should exercise caution.

Soon you will be able resume normal activity. It will make it easier to move and prevent you from falling.

What are the benefits of knee surgery rehabilitation?

Knee surgery can relieve the pain from injuries such as torn ligaments or cartilage. Other conditions such as osteoarthritis, such as torn ligaments and cartilage, can also be treated with surgery.

This article will cover the various types of knee surgery. This article discusses how to encourage healing and the recovery process.

This article will discuss various types of knee surgery and when they might be required:

Total knee replacement

This type of knee surgery is most common for arthritis. It involves the complete replacement of the joint.

  • Arthritis may cause you problems in your everyday life.

  • Repair techniques that aren’t working

  • Pain relief is not possible with other remedies.

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Arthroscopy is considered minimally invasive. It involves making a small cut at the knee and inserting light.

  • Removing or repairing the menisci (a portion of cartilage near the knee joint),

  • Repair a torn Cruciate Ligament in the Knee

  • Removing damaged joint cartilage

  • Take out any cartilage or bones that might be floating around your knee.

  • Discard inflamed joint liner


This refers to repositioning and chopping the bones to reduce the weight of injured knees. A surgeon may perform this procedure to repair broken bones that are not fully healed.

Tips to Accelerate Recovery after Knee Surgery

It can seem like your recovery after knee surgery in Atlanta is slow. Here are four ways to speed up your recovery.

Straighten your knees

It may not feel comfortable but it is necessary to allow your knee joint to heal properly. The doctor will let you know when the joint can be bent and moved.

Wear your Knee Brace

After your surgery, your doctor may recommend that you use a brace to protect your knee.

Appropriate Exercise

You should only participate in exercises and activities after your surgery. Your doctor might approve these exercises:

  • Sit down and bend your knees.

  • Leg presses with resistance band

  • Walking

  • Swimming

  • Cycling

  • More

If your doctor has not approved the exercise, you should not attempt it. This will only delay your recovery.

Physical Therapy

Your doctor will usually approve the exercises. Then, you can try them with the help of a certified professional in physical therapy. Your doctor will monitor your knee to make sure there are no issues.

How do you encourage healing

After undergoing knee surgery, it is important to keep the wound clean and dry. Protect the wound from irritation by clothing or support stockings.

For healing, a healthy and balanced diet is essential. A patient might feel slow for the first few days after surgery.

knee replacement, knee replacement, surgery, knee arthroplasty, total knee replacement

What to Expect during Your Recovery

Before you leave the hospital

Discuss any precautions that you might need after surgery with your surgeon.

You should schedule a follow up appointment with your surgeon within 10 to 14 days of your surgery.

Day you leave the hospital for 3 weeks following surgery

Talk to your surgeon or physical therapist about your home exercise plan. Follow the instructions that he/she gives you. This will make a huge difference in your recovery.

After surgery, swelling is normal. The swelling may be the most severe for 7-10 days following surgery. Place a pillow under the calf or ankle of your leg to raise it above your heart. Ice for 20 minutes three to four times per day to reduce swelling If you feel a rise in calf pain, call your surgeon immediately.

After surgery, you will probably feel less energetic. Balance your activity with rest, and keep up with your home exercise routine.

After surgery, you will feel some discomfort, pain, and stiffness. You should create a pain management plan that you can follow at home. Follow the instructions of your surgeon for pain medication.

For the first few weeks following surgery, you may not feel hungry. Good nutrition is important for your recovery. Eat healthy meals and snacks again as soon as possible. To help your body heal, drink 6-8 8-ounce glasses of fluids per day. Include protein (meat and poultry, fish, nuts, seeds, beans and legumes) in your meals.

Constipation could be a problem. You can treat it with pain medication. Consult your surgeon to discuss ways to treat constipation.

There may be some numbness around the incision. It should improve over time.

It is crucial to know when you should take your medicine.

  • Don’t wait for your pain to get worse before you take medication. It may take 30 minutes for pills or tablets to start working.

  • Take your pain medication before you begin any activity if you are concerned that your pain could get worse.

Non-medical ways of relieving pain may also be an option, such as:

  • Relaxing

  • Listening to music

  • Changing your position

  • Walking

  • Distractions include reading, watching TV, talking on a phone, or visiting with friends.

  • aromatherapy.

Intensifying to 12 weeks following surgery

If your surgeon approves, you can resume most of your normal activities. Jogging, jumping, and aerobics can put strain on your joint. Before you start any new activities, consult your surgeon.

Three to six months after the surgery

Ask your dentist if it’s okay to resume routine dental visits or any other dental work.

Your surgeon may ask you to make an appointment six months after your surgery to discuss your recovery and take a X-ray, if necessary.

6-months to one year after surgery

Your pain should subside within one year of surgery. You may experience some swelling in the lower leg or foot and discomfort when you sit down for too long. For the best recovery, it is important to keep active and to maintain a healthy weight.

You can resume low-intensity sports like softball or volleyball. You should not engage in high-intensity sports like basketball, tennis, or soccer.


The type and extent of the knee surgery will affect the timeframe. It might take a longer time to lift heavy items.

Follow all instructions from your doctor following any knee surgery.